By using the Website for any purpose and in any manner including general browsing, response/feedback, availing of services or downloading content, it is presumed that you have read and understood and have agreed to abide by and be governed by the terms and conditions set forth herein (“Website Terms and Conditions”) read along with any other terms and conditions governing the use of the Website including linked sites.

If you do not agree to be governed by the Website Terms and Conditions, you are requested not to use the Website.

The Website makes available information/ material on TRL, its products/ projects as well as products/ projects of its group/affiliate/associate companies (TR and such group/affiliate/associate companies are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “TR Group”) and connected information which are exclusively in the nature of general information and should not be construed as advice (including technical advice) in any manner. The Website may include information and photographs of various properties developed and constructed or in the process of being developed and constructed by TR Group or under their supervision. Such information may include technical data like layout plans, site plan, plot size, apartment/ flat size, project status and completion dates etc. as also pictures/ photographs. While TR strives to ensure that the information is accurate and reasonable, ORL does not provide any express or implied warranty, representation or assurance regarding the accuracy or reliability of the information on the Website or in respect of any matter relating to the Website. Your reliance on the Website or any information in the Website is entirely at your own responsibility and risk and TR assumes no responsibility and shall not in any way be liable in this regard. TR may modify or update or alter or add to the information and content of the Website as also the Website Terms and Conditions without any obligation to notify you or any other past, present or prospective user of the Website.

TRL may seek expressions of interest from users of the Website in respect of one or more of its projects. An expression of interest by a user of the Website in any of the products/ projects of TR Group does not constitute an offer for sale by TR Group of the product nor does it constitute a transaction by TR Group with the user. TR Group are not obliged to offer any of their products for sale pursuant to any expression of interest by any user of the Website. Nothing in the Website shall constitute a transaction between you and TR Group unless specifically stated to that effect. Nothing in this website shall constitute an offer or acceptance by either TR Group or you. Any offer for sale by TR Group of any of its products on the Website, shall when made, be in compliance with all applicable laws.

The Website is solely for your personal non-commercial use and you must ensure that your use of the Website is exclusively for this purpose. TR only grants you a non-exclusive, non- transferable, limited right to use the Website. You shall not claim any other right in respect of the Website. You shall also not have any right or license to use any of the trademarks of TR Group that may be contained on the Website. You shall not reproduce, copy, modify, distribute, publish, license, transmit, display, commercialise, transfer or sell or deal with the information and/or content of the Website in any other manner. You shall not create any derivative work from any information or content appearing on the Website or any part of it. TR may withdraw access to the Website at any time at its discretion without offering any reason or notice whatsoever.

You shall use the website only for lawful purposes and in accordance with the Website Terms and Conditions. You shall be completely and solely responsible and liable for any charges, taxes, duties, fees and any other charges that arise in connection with your use of the Website. You shall not in any manner interfere with the software or any other technical aspect of the Website or use the Website in any manner that could disrupt, damage, disable, or adversely affect any server of ORL or any networks or operating systems connected to the server of TR. You shall also not use the Website in a manner that interferes with or impedes the use of the Website by other users. You shall not attempt to gain access to the Website through unethical and/or illegal means including hacking. You shall not attempt to alter the contents of the Website in any manner or post or attempt to post any abusive or defamatory content on the Website.

TR does not make any assurance or guarantee that the Website will operate continuously or be error free. TR does not guarantee or warrant that the Website or any link to the Website will be free from viruses and other destructive agents and will not be liable for any interference or damage to your computer system in connection with your use of the Website and any link to the Website. You must take your own precautions to ensure that your computer and its operating system has the necessary technical specifications and safeguards for use of the Website.

The Website, the information and software therein are made available to you on an “as is” basis by TR without any warranty, express or implied, of any kind including but not limited to TR shall under no circumstance and in no event be responsible or liable for any loss or damage (direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or otherwise, whether by way of loss of profits or loss of business opportunity, business interruption or loss of information or data or programs), arising in any manner whatsoever whether in contract, law, tort, or any other basis, that you may suffer out of your use of the Website and/or your reliance on the Website and/or any information therein.

If you breach any of the Website Terms and Conditions or any law or do any act or deed that affects the rights of third parties, TR reserves the right to terminate your right to use the Website forthwith without any notice to you. The provisions of the Website Terms and Conditions shall survive any such termination. You shall also be liable to indemnify TR, its subsidiaries, affiliates, associates, directors, officers, agents and employees and defend and hold them harmless from any claim or demand or action arising out of any such breach by you. In case TR fails to act with respect to a breach by you or any other party or uses, such failure shall not constitute a waiver nor shall it preclude TR from exercising its right to act in respect of subsequent breaches. The Website may contain links to other websites (“Linked Websites”). These links are provided only for convenience and information. TR has no control over the content or the availability of Linked Websites and has not reviewed the information on the Linked Websites. TR shall not be responsible or liable for any aspect of the Linked Websites including the content therein.

If any of the Website Terms and Conditions are illegal or not enforceable, the same shall not affect the legality or enforceability of the remaining Website Terms and Conditions. Your use of the Website is subject to the “Privacy Policy” available on the Website. Please review the same. By using the Website you accord your consent to TR Group processing your personal information as set out in the “Privacy Policy”.

The Website Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of India and the courts in Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any matter or dispute arising out of or in respect of the Website Terms and Conditions. This is to inform user / customer(s) that we have revised our website in consonance with the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 and the Rules made thereunder(“RERA”). User/customer(s) may please note that, is the only official websites of Thapar Realtors (“Company”). User/Customer(s) are cautioned and advised to rely only on the information and contents that are displayed on the aforesaid official websites of the Company and not to rely upon any information stated on any other websites which may appear to be similar to the company’s official website, including containing company’s logo / brand name.